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Victim Focus Officer

Cardiff and The Vale

Job title:

Victim Focus Officer

Work location:


What do you do at VS and how would I come across you?

I work with victims on a long term basis delivering a person centred approach to help them get over crime.I would come across as warm, friendly, caring with a cheeky sense of humour. I am an eternal optimist.

I grew up in:


Someone you would like to meet:

Brad Pitt…nom nom

Favourite place:

Ogmore by sea – the sound of the waves reminds me how insignificant all of life’s problems really are.

What’s your guilty pleasure:

A glass of wine or two, watching trash TV

What advice would you give your younger self:

That the only thing that really matters is being true to who you are, loving those around you with all your heart, and having confidence and belief in yourself. Everything works out in the end.

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