The police referred me to South Wales Victim Focus after I became a victim of an online fraud. I lost hundreds of pounds after responding to a scam email. I didn’t feel like I could tell my family about what happened and I felt very isolated. A Victim Focus Officer came to my home to visit me, they listened to me and reassured me that I didn’t have to deal with it on my own.
After losing my money, I could no longer afford the specialist care that I needed due to disabilities that affect my everyday life. My Victim Focus Officer spoke with Social Services and arranged for an assessment so that I could receive long term support and care. I could not afford my food shopping until social services agreed on my care plan and financial support. My Victim Focus Officer provided me with food parcels and food bank vouchers so that I was able to have food during this time. I was very grateful to receive the food parcel, and as this even included food for my pets.
My Victim Focus Officer continued to support me and worked with Social Services to make sure a care plan was put in place. I was also referred to a specialist befriending agency for long term support. Throughout the whole process, my Victim Focus Officer regularly stayed in touch to check that I was okay and that the Police had been in touch with updates of the crime.
When I first reported the fraud to the Police, I felt embarrassed and I didn’t feel like I could talk to anyone about how the crime had effected my life. My Victim Focus Officer never judged me, always made me feel comfortable and followed up on everything they said they would. I cannot thank South Wales Victim Focus for the support they provided me.